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Park & Dock Hours

Sunrise to Sunset
Open Normal Hours

Please note that parks and dock hours are subject to change based on weather conditions. Any unexpected closures will be posted on the homepage.

Dock Rules
• Dock Hours are sunrise to sunset
• Only Residents, Annual Pass Holders and Guests are allowed to use the docks.
• Residents and Annual Pass Holders must be able to identify themselves by stating their Amenity Account number and must have a valid picture ID when using the docks.
• No one is permitted to dive off the docks, swim in the water surrounding the docks or run on the docks.
• Rollerblades, skateboards, and similar equipment are prohibited.
• Diving and Swimming off the docks is not permitted
• Littering, vandalism, failure to follow policies or improper conduct will result is suspension and or termination of privileges
• The only time boats may be docked overnight at a dock owned by the District, is when an emergency exists.
• In the case of an emergency a boat may be left overnight, but for no more than one night, at the Waterfront Park dock and may not be docked overnight at the other docks.
• If an emergency occurs, the boat owner must notify the Waterfront Park office and provide your name, phone number, address and reason.
• If the Waterfront Park office is closed, then contact shall be made as soon as possible. If immediate contact cannot be made, the resident is responsible for leaving a visible note stating name, member number, and contact information.
• The District reserves the right to tow any vacated vessel.

Park Rules
• All Attendees must observe the policies listed below otherwise they will be issued a trespass warning and will be subject to ejection from the premises.
• Management may close a Park if public safety is threatened by any activity on the premises.
• Park hours of operation are sunrise to sunset
• No alcohol is allowed on premises as per Sec. 3-1(b), Clay County Code.
• Roller blades and bikes are permitted on sidewalks only.
• No parking is allowed on Park premises, outside of marked parking locations.
• No glass containers of any type are permitted in any District park.

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